
No 360 tonight, it's a special edition of the Situation Room. And Aaron's on vacation all this week, but I don't know if that means Anderson's back or what in the world is going on. Newsnight preview anyway:
It's no Sunday school. Facing your deepest sins inside a hell house that could scare many into salvation.
And it's only an hour.

Now, rumours a plenty. RUMOURS people, not fractsfacts. According to various sources, Aaron's going to be anchoring a 7pm show, leaving Newsnight, and Anderson's going to be taking over the possibly permanently expanded Newsnight. No official word has been put forth yet. So don't get all jumpy yet. [CNN Ponders Expanding Newsnight - WHAC, CNN close to a decision on two hour Newsnight - ICN, What Is Aaron Brown's Future At CNN? and CNN Primetime Changes Are Imminent; Aaron Brown May Not Return To NewsNight - TVNewser]


Edit: Wolf just mentioned that the Situation Room is on at 7pm all this week. So. Weird.

posted by Janis @ 16:37, ,


Anderson's taking a few days off. I'll be back when he is, unless there's some sort of news to report. Ta!

posted by Janis @ 00:03, ,


From the November 2005 Details:
Every night I interview politicians-proper, polite, plastic smiles, paper promises. They thank each other and say what good jobs they've done. It's hard to listen to when you're covered in shit and you know they're full of shit. "I know people are frustrated", they keep saying, over and over again. If they really knew they wouldn't use that word. "Frustrated", is standing in a slow moving checkout line. People aren't frustrated. They are dead. They are dying. More and more each day.

Many cops feel betrayed by nearly everyone. Their mayor, their cheif, the governor, the president. Fucked from above, below, and behind. Later we saunter down a dark, empty Bourban Street, adrfit and alone. A Louisiana state trooper stops us and demands our IDs.
"Fuck you!" one of the polic officers yells. "You're in MY city, telling me I'm violating curfew? Fuck that." We walk on, the trooper drives off. I feel like I'm on the edge of the world.
So, yeah. Get it. Cause. Swears, and outrage.

posted by Janis @ 01:21, ,


Tonight on 360:
We're live in some of the areas targeted by Wilma. A look at the damage and what's left of the storm.
And Newsnight:
Wilma's wrath: a complete wrap up of the storm, the damage it caused, and what's left of it.
And once again, I fell asleep, smashed my alarm clock, and missed all the fun. I managed to see lots of Rob before I went to sleep, but that's not the point.'s doing a Wilmablog. [CNN has Wilma Blog - ICN]

Brian at TVNewser says of CNN's coverage:
Between 7 and 8am, it was hard to turn the channel away from CNN. I checked in with FNC and the broadcast networks every few minutes, but their phone interviews and faraway live shots could not compete.
And he has a really good wrap up, which comes in handy for ME, who missed everything. [Wilma: Compelling Live Coverage On CNN - TVNewser]

And I can think of at least ten other anchors I'd rather fix Anderson up with than Shep Smith. Maybe I'll list them one day. [A Gay Shepard Among The Fox Flock - Queerty]

posted by Janis @ 15:38, ,

Sunday Anderson!

Anderson's going to be on Larry King tonight, 9pm. Funtimes! Nothing else to report yet. Except Marciano co-hosting CNN Sunday, but that's not terribly related, it just makes me happy.

posted by Janis @ 18:00, ,

It's the weekend.

And, as I have all weekend and Monday (!) off, expect in-depth reviewing of Hurricane Wilma coverage.

Why? Because, I'm been sorely neglecting this blog lately, and I hit my head pretty hard yesterday on the corner of a metal shelf. Maybe that's related, maybe it's not. The point is: watch this space.

posted by Janis @ 16:34, ,

The Friday...other thing that starts with F.

Tonight on 360:
Is a repeat of Katrina headed to Florida? Anderson goes to areas where the storm could do the most damage.
And the Newsnight summary isn't up yet. Geez, CNN, wrap your head around my schedule and conform to it.

Troy Patterson from the New York Press calls Anderson "...a living newswire." Really. So he's like, a robot? I LOVE robots. [TVNewser]

posted by Janis @ 11:00, ,


Tonight on 360:
The bad streets of the "Big Easy." Anderson goes on patrol with New Orleans police. Plus, we're watching Wilma.
And Newsnight:
A mother accused of drowning her three young children. We look into what drives a mother to kill.
All for now, busy as a bee.

posted by Janis @ 17:59, ,

What is machine?

Tonight on 360:
Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco faces tough questions about New Orleans' recovery.
And Newsnight:
Did officials overreact to recent terrorist threats in New York and Baltimore? Former FBI director, Louis Freeh weighs in.
Freeh's on the Daily Show tonight too, if that gives you any indication of his media stops today. And the 11pm hour has a seperate summary again:
As hurricane Wilma looms, Anderson continues to ask tough questions in the wake of hurricane Katrina.
So I worked late last night and had no time for anything. Also, there was no news, and I don't think a Newsnight preview halfway into Newsnight does anyone any good.

And I don't know if I've mentioned it, but I'm sure you've noticed anyway; 360 reruns at 1am EST now. This means I don't have to ever break down and get a DVR. Take THAT, technology!!

Other CNN nerd things: Check out the Delia Gallagher Admiration Society. She's that cute girl who talks about religion and looks like the alpha female you had a huge crush on in high school, the really nice one who always defended you when the third clarinets were jealous that you got first chair, and you could never carry on a conversation with her because of all these strange feelings brewing. Or maybe that's just me.

Not CNN related, but, you must check out 2 Most 2 Trusted: The Colbert Report blog. She's right, you don't have to put on pants for recaps. Don't I know it. I also know that we aren't getting the Colbert Report in Canada yet, and urge you to send outraged emails to the Comedy Network if you're pining as much as I am.


posted by Janis @ 14:07, ,

Monday, Monday, Monday.

Tonight on 360:
Why a family's custody battle is keeping a soldier who lost his life in Iraq from being buried with honors.
And Newsnight:
Millions spent every day to help Katrina victims. Who's monitoring how your money is allocated?
Aaand that's it, because there's never news before noon.

And Anderson's on Letterman tonight, CBS, 11:35ish. But do the local listings thing because I don't know how time zones work.

posted by Janis @ 10:51, ,

I know.

So late.

Tonight on 360:
A rookie cop makes a promise to the family of a murder victim. More than 20 years later, a cold case is solved the old-fashioned way.
And Newsnight:
Workers hired at New Orleans' Louis Armstrong airport without background checks or proper identification. Is lax security making sensitive sites, like airports, vulnerable?
I thought they did background checks for everything these days.

Anderson's not on, leading me to believe he's in Atlanta for Erica's wedding tomorrow. *cough*

posted by Janis @ 19:05, ,


Tonight on 360:
They could have their own sports team. Why would anyone want to have 17 kids? Meet them tonight.
And Newsnight:
CNN investigates. Why New Orleans is still working with an alert system it admits is obsolete.
And I think the 11:30 hour of Newsnight is either pre-empted, or, uh, something else. It lists it as A CNN Security Watch Special: The Syrian Connection which they've already played a few times. Aaanyway. Enjoy.

posted by Janis @ 12:00, ,

It may be too late!

But Anderson's on Oprah today. I don't get it until four, but I know it's syndicated. Local listings!

Tonight on 360:
Could one scientist's decades old mission to identify a killer virus, help keep the deadly bird flu from becoming a pandemic?
And Newsnight:
In the days after Katrina, did desperate staff at one Louisiana hospital decide to take life and death into their own hands? CNN investigates.
And, they're giving two summaries of Newsnight now, so here's the second:
Killer hurricanes, massive earthquakes, monstrous fires: Are these unpredictable acts of nature signs the end of days is near?
So that's cherry.

The Anderson backlash starts - In San Fancisco? Gawker has the two articles, and so does just about every other media blog out there.

Anderson's book has really been picked up for real this time by HarperCollins. Proceeds to go to charity, none of it even written yet. AWESOME. [Jossip]

posted by Janis @ 15:11, ,

Tonight on 360:
Why is an ex-Marine working for Al-Jazeera? How he says he can help change the negative image the U.S. has in other parts of the world.
And Newsnight:
We go one-on-one with the man whose beating by police was caught on tape. Why he's thanking the N.O.P.D.
And when are they going to stop calling Newsnight a special edition? Isn't two hours de rigur by now?

Well. That's seriously it for today. Weird.

posted by Janis @ 16:47, ,


Tonight on 360:
A killer quake devastates the Pakistani area where Osama bin Laden may be hiding. Where is he? Will this impact the war on terror?
And Newsnight:
Were some damaged New Orleans levees purposely left vulnerable? We'll examine some conspiracy theories.
And Happy Thanksgiving, fellow Canadians. I'm celebrating by whipping up some delicious pumpkin muffins. Ta.

Edit: We are SEETHING with jealousy about Rachel from FishBowlNY sneaking around the CNN building. The 7th floor!! The control room! THE GLAMOUR!

posted by Janis @ 14:04, ,

Good times!

Anderson's on Oprah this Wednesday the 12th, and, as I already mentioned and will again, Letterman on the 17th. [WHAC]

posted by Janis @ 21:39, ,

End of week.

Tonight on 360:
New York is on high alert because of a possible threat to its subway system. Do commuters feel safe?
And Newsnight:
As Louisiana recovers, levees are being rebuilt exactly the way they were before the storm hit. Why? Is this asking for trouble?
Which is apparently the more casual show.

Gawker has much fun with the find/replace, and Anderson's Details articles, with hilarious results.

posted by Janis @ 12:39, ,


Missed linkage and previews today, but there really wasn't much to report. I now have a full-time job (Ahem, assistant manager of Lewiscraft #67.), but I'm going to keep this updated as much as humanly possible because I really enjoy doing it.

To tide you over until later, take a look at the release list for the Xbox 360. Come ON, it's related. The numbers are all the same, look! Besides, I saw the box in EB and I think I'm in love. It's all shiny. [Kotaku]

posted by Janis @ 02:22, ,


Anderson's finally been rescheduled to be on Letterman. Monday, Octolbert October 17th. Which is exciting, tell your friends! Also tell them to watch the Colbert Report, which is, um, on at the same time, crap. Life is hard.

posted by Janis @ 01:40, ,

Mid-week glory.

Anderson wasn't on last night, 360 OR Newsnight. No idea what tonight will bring, but, on 360:
The avian bird flu has the potential to become an epidemic in the U.S. Can the government handle an outbreak? Part 1 of 2.
Which is abjectly terrifying, if you saw that guy on the Daily Show a few weeks back.

And Newsnight:
Devastation for miles, thousands homeless. But, Katrina could have been even worse. What you didn't know about the storm.
Which also sounds terrifying.

I meant to mention this a while ago, the new Rolling Stone has an interview with Anderson. It's the one with Evangeline Lily on the front, all sexpot-like. She's purty. Also, the new Details is out, with an article by Anderson about the famine in Niger. Good stuff.

posted by Janis @ 15:01, ,


The preview of 360 isn't up yet, so, I present, Newsnight:
The feds say they've seen dozens of websites that prey on storm victims. An exclusive look at how they track web fraud.
Which smells like Daniel Sieberg to me. Nerds everywhere!

Anderson's apparently being offered $1 million for a years worth of memoirs, spanning December's Tsunami to September's Rita. And there's no outline, no proposal, no nothing, but listen, who needs important things like structure in a book! If it's selling, no need to work yourself. [Lowdown, Gawker]

And that's all she wrote for today, because I now have to work until 9. Apologies for no more updates, I'll try and hit them when I get back.

posted by Janis @ 11:09, ,


Tonight on 360:
It's the 10th anniversary of O.J. Simpson's acquittal. We take a look back at how that trial changed the way we watch television.
And Newsnight:
In the rebuilding of New Orleans, is anyone monitoring who gets the construction contracts? Who's getting the money?
Haliburton, that's who.

WHAC has an article about Anderson NOT replacing Aaron Brown. Which is alright, because I kind of like Aaron. He's kind of quietly crazy.

What else. Oh. Seth Meyers did Anderson this weekend on Saturday Night Live. It was good. It wasn't mean-spirited or anything, just very funny. He just needed to be squintier, I think, but everything else was perfect. Also, Steve Carell sang twice, the end.

Now I have some love to spread. Go check out Either Relevant or True, a tasty Keith Olbermann blog. You must love him. I don't even get MSNBC, and I'm all up on the Keith. So, go, look, read daily. It fills my void, a little.

posted by Janis @ 14:25, ,