
November/December is the crazy busy time at work, and this assistant manager gig is harder than I thought. So, updates are going to be sporadic at best for the next little while. But once the holiday retail rush of death is over, I'm all yours.

posted by Janis @ 07:27, ,


Tonight on 360:
Should you spank your kids? Some revealing answers about how you should discipline and what really works.
I'm not taking it out of context. I swear.

Because they already beat me to it at Gawker. [Tonight, Anderson Cooper Gets Into Spanking - Gawker]

Jossip was playing with Google image search. Pretty. [Even Google Agrees - Jossip]

And now 360 reruns at 1am, and 5am. Perfect for when I have to start opening the damn store at some ungodly special holiday hours time. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be caught dead shopping for little Chanukah tidbits at 8am. Does Christmas really require the mall to open so early? Oh, soccer moms. I don't understand you. [CNN's 360 To Repeat At 5am - TVNewser]

posted by Janis @ 17:02, ,


Tonight on 360 10pm:
What role did Jordan's friendship with the U.S. play in the deadly hotel bombings? We look at links to al Qaeda in Iraq.
And, they're giving us two summaries! Whee!

360 11pm:
Does genius sperm guarantee a genius child? We explore the trend of genetically designing a picture perfect baby.
Does sperm have IQ? I don't really know how those kinds of things work.

Apparently, the 360 ratings are not so good. SO BAD IN FACT, that TVNewser devotes two stories to it. [Greta Crushes Cooper Every Single Night, Anderson's Third Day In Primetime... - TVNewser]

posted by Janis @ 21:08, ,


I am all with the updating.

Tonight on 360:
A look inside schools where teachers are thinking more about self-defense than the three 'R's.
And did you know MSNBC did podcasts of highlights their primetime lineup? I went to bed with Keith and had sushi with Tucker. I think CNN should follow suit.

Okay, so Rosie O'Donnell hates Erica Hill AND Anderson. And, apparently, types like a fourteen-year old girl in a Yahoo! chat room. Yeah, so he hosted a reality TV show. You made a thousand awful movies. AND YOU LOVED THE MOLE. I remember it very clearly. She can't hear me, can't she?[Rosie: Aaron Brown Is a ‘Cutie Patootie' - Gawker]

ICN has PR Waves six and seven.

TVNewser does his book, his show, and his ratings.

Rachel at FishBowlNY compares the set to the Daily Show set. Fitting, as yesterday they were covering the exact same story at the exact same time. Monday, Anderson was doing pirates at the same time as Stephen Colbert. I know this, because I spend a fitful hour every night flipping betwixt.[Anderson Cooper 360: New time, new look, and that "new car smell" - FishBowlNY]

posted by Janis @ 20:03, ,


And what am I doing on my glorious day off? Two words: Golden Girls. Rose is addicted to painkillers, and the girls are helping her kick the habit with bunt cake! Sofia and Dorothy are making a pizza commercial! The very real problems of the elderly are hilarious.

Tonight on 360:
Why Democrats can't seem to capitalize on the GOP'S crisis. Plus, why the queen of the occult, Anne Rice is embracing Christianity.
And 360 reruns at 1am, but it's only an hour-long version.

ICN is keeping awesome tabs on what they're calling the Cooper PR 'wave.' There's take one, two, three, four, and five so far.

posted by Janis @ 14:25, ,

the Big One.

The following is a very large collection of links discussing the Cooper-Brown switchout, and other Anderson news (ahem, possible boyfriend sighting) posted in no particular order except whatever my bookmarks give me first.

Anderson Cooper Trolls For You
Gawker Stalker: Anderson Cooper is Gay, Trendy. [Gawker]

CNN Goes For The Silver [Radar]

Aaron Brown: The Next MSNBC Arrival? [Jossip]

A Socialite's Son Gets Promoted [Queerty]

The Death of Newsnight
AC To ABC For A Day
AC, A Little Bit of Aaron Brown and Geraldo
Interesting Stats Concerning AB Story
Anderson Cooper to Host Two-hour CNN Program at 10 p.m.
Brown Out At CNN [WHAC]

Emotion vs. Thoughtful [ICN]

Anderson Cooper Personifies Push-Pull
Hey Wolf, We Get It -- "You Own A Lot Of TVs"
Anti-Anchor: "America Is Embracing Anderson...Anderson's The Man...The Whole Country Is Talking About Anderson..." [TVNewser]

NBC Nightly News leaps forward, but whither NewsNight? [FishBowlNY]

Fred Becker on Jon Klein (HE STOLE MY PUN!) [Wonkette]

That's all for now, there's a bunch of newspaper articles too. I'll try and find them. As for my own thoughts on the matter? While I like more Anderson on TV, I don't like no Aaron on TV. We'll just have to wait and see, I suppose.

posted by Janis @ 20:01, ,

I know, jerky.

Bad time to be busy at work and have my internet barely work.

So, the big news, as if you haven't heard already, is Anderson's permanently hosting Newsnight, which is now called 360, and is two hours forever, 10pm-12am. Aaron's gone, which makes me very sad, and the Situation Room moves to 7pm.

I'll try to get more newsy type stuff up tonight, there's a bunch of articles to link to.

posted by Janis @ 10:25, ,